I've been thinking a lot this past week. More thinking than blogging, as you've probably noticed....
It's just really intimidating to even attempt to explain grace when I know I'm far from understanding it as well as some wiser and more learned Christians. I'm not giving up on writing about grace; but I just want to get it right, you know?
My perfectionism had returned last week. I had written a few posts, thought I was doing pretty well--and then I realized that I was being too careful. I was starting to avoid posting because I didn't have all the answers. I had a specific way I wanted to progress in my blog posts, and I wasn't going to be able to deliver. So I just...waited. I wasn't sure what for, but I just waited.
And then, spring came. My crocuses started poking through the soil, and I realized that I didn't have to have all the answers. God was going to exercise His sovereignty and "do His thing" regardless of my plans. I'm so glad He did.
And now...I'm ready to be awkward and random and...honest. Not that I was less than forthright before; but now I'm letting go of my ideals for this blog and trusting God with all of this digital rambling.
Because I've realized that God wants to put me in that place where I can't get it right on my own. When I get to that place where my success depends solely on God, it is then that His grace can empower me.
I understand how great His faithfulness truly is when I realize that without His great love and loyalty I would be...consumed (Lamentations 3:22). Not simply misguided, unsuccessful, or unhappy--but consumed, devoured, destroyed. Do we really grasp that? Do we really understand how lucky we are that God has allowed us to live?
I really want to talk about the idea of how amazing and enormous and phenomenal God's grace is. The more I realize what I am and who He is, the more I understand how much I need His grace.